The Sleep Challenge


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guest list.

{Thanks for your interest in The Sleep Challenge. This program is currently closed but with your name on the guest list, you’ll be notified when it opens again and you’ll receive a video overview of what’s to come. Also, you can *Subscribe Here* to receive weekly emails that help you simplify your life through cyclical self-care.}

If you’re anything like me, you can sometimes make things harder than they need to be.

If not, please tell me your ways!

You know those times when you finally figure something out and it relieves so much stress?

Well … 

I’ve learned a little something that I hope will translate into a win for you as well.

Over the years I’ve tested numerous wellness practices, all with the intention of feeling amazing with minimal confusing steps to get results.

There’s so much noise in the healthy living space that it can make a person dizzy.

If you’re nodding your head in agreement, take a deep, relaxed breath. Feeling refreshed, vibrant, and energized can be way easier than you’ve been lead to believe. It’s built on the foundation of one luxurious word.


In numerous conversations with women in this community, lack of sleep rates at the  top of the list of what’s missing for them.

It feels elusive, fleeting, there’s never enough of it, and it gets delayed each day because of life’s busy demands and shifting hormone levels.

Do you feel this way too?

I used to believe that it was only true of moms of infants and toddlers, but it extends much further than that. My boys are pre-teen and teenagers and I find it even more challenging to accumulate the sleep I need now.

Why is this?

You and I have far greater distractions available to us than ever. Technology lures us evermore into the realm of docudramas, social posts, and “time-saving” apps, that make us feel like we’re missing out. 

Trying to remain connected in-person becomes even more of a desire, but careers and kids have us spinning plates. Depending on your cyclical age, hormones can really mess with us. And, of course, there’s the menu of morning and evening rituals that await us to help us stay ageless.

I’ve shared my stance on simple self-care in numerous posts and in my free guide, Simply Your Wellness Plan.

There’s no question that there are so many wonderful things you can do to improve your health. And when you’re exhausted, you’re only getting a partial benefit from them.

How would you like to become a sleep queen and give your body the time and space to let it do what it’s designed to do while you’re at rest?

Repair, restore and replenish.

You already know so many of the good things that you can and “should” be doing. What you really need is to master doing the basics.

And the highest-yield activity you can do to move you to the way you want to feel, is to get the best amount of sleep you need for your body.

If you’ve ever struggled to start a new habit on your own, I’m here to help.

Join me for The Sleep Challenge.

Once you’re added to the guest list, I’ll send you one short and sweet email prompt each day, for 7 days, that will get you closer to the luscious sleep you crave. I’m the Queen of keeping things simple and doable, so it’ll only take you a few short minutes at a time.

When you sign up below, it’ll be the first step to gaining hours of restorative Zzz’s for you.

Fill out this form to get on the guest list.


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As a little prelude, I made a short video explaining what you can expect.

Watch it here now:

Sign up for the Sleep Challenge here


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Tell Me:

Do you want better sleep? What’s your biggest obstacle when it comes to getting consistent, good sleep? Please share in the comments.

Want to up your self-care practice and support your best hormonal health at every stage?  Subscribe here to cut through healthy living overwhelm and start thriving.

Many Blessings,


2 thoughts on “The Sleep Challenge”

    1. Hey there Myhriah, I did a quick scan and noticed you weren’t on the main Sleep Challenge guest list, which was on the linked in our FB chat. I’ve received such a powerful response from this week’s participants that I’m running it again within the next few days. Watch your email for day 1! I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving! Blessings, Sheila

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