How To Have More Of What You Want


I often hear people say that implementing a new wellness ritual in their life will crowd their schedule. The idea being that if they add one item, they need to remove another.

I get it. You’ve seen this in so many other areas of your life.

You’ve likely been unconsciously steeped in scarcity messaging for years.

Perhaps you were a kid who, growing up, if you wanted a special treat at the grocery store, you had to put something else back on the shelf.

If you wanted to advance in your career, you needed to sacrifice your social life.

Or if you wanted to have a family, you needed to step off the fast track in your career.

The world we live in is filled with either or options all around us.

We’ve been told we can’t have it all.

And while that may be true, in some cases, having more of what you want at the same time is more possible now than ever.

The age we live in is filled with automation, new ways of working, and more openness to shared responsibility in the home.

When it comes to your well-being, There’s a word I want to apply to it that is not often used.


You may have been told that leverage is a term only used in business and investing, but when it comes to your health, I’ve found its revolutionary.

It turns out that when you invest first in caring for your body and your mind, it supercharges every other action you take.

Instead of a healthy life taking up extra time, it becomes a foundation and a springboard to greater productivity, new, creative ideas, and deepened connection in relationships.

I have witnessed it in my life and the lives of so many women who are doing beautiful things in the world.

Even if you feel like your body has betrayed you or that as each year passes it becomes more of a liability to your joy, it truly is an asset that increases in value the more attention you give it.

This entire line of thought is like a new line of code to be added to your programming. Like any new software or mobile upgrade, it takes some getting used to.

That’s why I created The Seasons Collective: A community to support you in and remind you of the unconventional power of your wellness fuelling your soul work and your life.

In the community, you’ll hear from me sharing tips and strategies to maximize this new programming.

You’ll also be able to connect with like-minded women driven to make an impact in their corner of the world.

Here is what you get in the Seasons Collective:

  • The Self Care Primer
  • Daily Inspiration Prompts
  • Ask Me Anything Thread
  • 1 Live Broadcast/month where I share strategies to up your wellness game
  • Connection with other Collective members

Access opens soon and all the details can be found here. Make sure to Subscribe to get updates.

It’s my joy to share a great deal of content to encourage and support you on your wellness journey. There’s something incredibly powerful about walking in community with those on a similar path.

Everyone elevates.

The Seasons Collective is my offering to you to help you feel your best as you live your purpose full out.

I hope to see you inside!

Tell Me:

Where are you stuck in either/or thinking in your life? May you feel inspired by the choices in your life and may you receive everything you want.

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