Why I Love Lemon Water


Refreshing Hydration

I’ve been starting my day with a mug of warm lemon water for several years. What’s the top reason why I love lemon water? It makes me feel SO good! I find it to be a really soothing way to start the day.

Lemons are packed with Vitamin C and act as a natural blood purifier and antiseptic. The high levels of potassium found in lemons are beneficial to heart health. All of these wonderful properties also nourish skin from the inside out.

Want a simple way to boost your overall health? Lemon water is a good place to start. Here are a few reasons why:

Having warm lemon water before your first meal of the day flushes out toxins, helps digestion, and improves weight loss to make you feel good!

It’s also a natural diuretic, which helps you get rid of the bloat first thing in the morning. All of these things make your energy soar!

Lemon water balances your body’s pH levels

An acidic pH encourages inflammation, aka disease. An alkaline pH is what you want because things like cancer cells can’t thrive there. Eating foods that have a high alkaline pH is crucial to vibrant health.

Lemon water helps maintain eye health

High in lutein and zeaxanthin, lemons keep your eyes bright and healthy.

Lemon water makes your skin glow

The high levels of Vitamin C and many other nutrients in lemons prevent the formation of wrinkles and acne.

Lemon water super-charges your immune system

Vitamin C, folate and potassium are at work here to keep you from getting sick. If you feel a cold coming on, add a few strips of fresh, peeled ginger and honey to your lemon water. The antibacterial properties of the honey work wonders on a sore throat or sinus cold and the ginger is an added immune-booster.

How To Prepare Lemon Water

-Juice 1/2 a fresh lemon (organic is best)

-Add lemon juice to 12 oz of very warm filtered water

-Sip away!

A Few Things To Remember

Always use a fresh lemons – no pre-juiced or concentrate versions. Boiling water will remove the nutritional value of the lemon, so use very warm water instead. You can also add a dash of cayenne pepper to increase your metabolism and digestive enzyme properties.

Make lemon water a part of your day and feel the benefits long-term. As with any juice, rinse your mouth with water after consuming and wait at least 15 minutes before brushing your teeth. This will preserve the enamel and keep your smile bright.

I raise my mug of lemon-love to your health!

Tell Me:

How much water do you drink each day? I often hear that water is boring and tasteless, so many people don’t drink enough of it. Yet, adding 6-8 glasses of water to your day will make a dramatic difference to your health and energy levels. Let me know what changes you notice in how you feel when you’re more hydrated!


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