The Fat Debate


Being a mom of 2 teenage boys, my kitchen sees a lot of action. I remember the days when I’d come home from school feeling ravenous. It never seemed like I could snack enough – and that’s because something was missing.

I grew up being taught and marketed to that cutting out fat is the healthy thing to do. What happened next, was a surge in sugar and simulated sugar additives. Today, things are changing again and the number one reason is usually about corporate profit. No wonder I never felt satisfied eating fat-free everything. My body was craving an entire essential food group.

Benefits of Eating Healthy Fats

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation rises when the body’s immune system turns on defence mode. An overactive immune system can lead to chronic inflammation that’s been linked to arthritis and asthma. Eating healthy fats could lower inflammation in fat tissue leading to the easing of symptoms.

Lowers The Risk Of Heart Disease

Healthy fats like nuts. Avocados, coconut oil, flax seeds and olive oil may reduce the risk of heart disease. Unlike saturated fats, unsaturated fats don’t clog the arteries. Studies show that monounsaturated fats help to reduce bad cholesterol.

Elevates Brain Health

Your brain is made up of 60% fat which means that it relies on healthy fats to function best. Fats like fish and avocado are known to elevate brain health. These fatty acids also help absorb the non water-soluble essential vitamins Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and K, which are known to protect the brain.

Protects Organs

Since the body’s organs are quite sensitive, even minor injury can cause internal bleeding. Healthy fats create a protective layer around the organs to keep them safe from injuries. They also have a healing effect on organs in the event that they become injured.

Sustains Healthy Lungs

Air pollution, smoking, and viral respiratory illnesses are some of the culprits of modern day lung disease. Adding foods to your diet that contain healthy fats offers some protection. Healthy Lungs are coated with a substance which helps resist lung infection that is dependent on fatty acids.

Strengthens Hair Follicles

Healthy fats contain fatty acids which are effective in balancing hormone levels. When your good cholesterol is elevated, blood circulation improves, which promotes healthy hair growth. 

Improves Body Toning

The intake of healthy fats is necessary to keep the body lean. Omega-3 fats turn on the gene that speeds up fat burning and turns off the gene that stores fat. Healthy fats also help improve insulin sensitivity and raise the body’s metabolic rate.

The dietary reference intake (DRI) for fat in adults is 20% to 35% of total calories from fat:

  • Monounsaturated fat: 15% to 20%
  • Polyunsaturated fat: 5% to 10%
  • Saturated fat: less than 10%
  • Trans fat: 0%
  • Cholesterol: less than 300 mg per day

Writing a new story

Over the past decade, I’ve been learning increasingly, that the extent the dialogue about fat and sugar is shifting. Watch for more on this as I continue the conversation. I’m so hopeful for the health of this and future generations because people are realizing that their health is their priority. Not their doctors, or their government’s. We dictate positive change by our conversations and our buying habits.

Supplemental Fats

One of the many things I’m grateful for is the incredibly smart people I’m surrounded by. The wellness space is a thriving place of information. It can be difficult to navigate the sometimes opposing thoughts on healthy living. When it all starts to sound like noise, I come back to two things: common sense and science. Fortunately, my product partner is grounded in sound science. If you’re looking to add more healthy fats to you diet, I recommend these supplements to fill in nutritional gaps in adults and these for children.

Tell Me:

Do you find it hard to get your head around including fat in your meals? Does a part of you still hold onto childhood programming about what healthy eating looks like? Please comment below. I’d love to hear how different ways of eating are impacting how you feel.

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