Simplify To End Procrastination


You know those times when you’ve planned to do something but put it off and put it off? Getting started on a new healthy habit or cleaning out that cramped closet can both feel like insurmountable tasks sometimes, right?

And then it happens …

You start to FEEL like doing that thing you’ve been procrastinating. A burst of energy surges through your body and you complete the task in record time.

If you’re like me, this is when you start to question everything about yourself. You ask: “Why was i making this such a big deal?” or “Why does this happen to me?”

The truth is that you’re in good company.

This quality is not unique to you. So many of us procrastinate doing things that are not a big deal. The reason why you put off important and not as significant tasks in your life is that you’re waiting to “feel’ like doing them.

If you think back to times when you’ve procrastinated and to when you’ve had your greatest accomplishments, consider how you felt in the moment. Were you high energy, or low energy? Were you excited or afraid? Were you in the moment or projecting your thoughts far into the future?

Each of these dynamics affect how and when you do things in your life. When you take into account your personal experience, you’ll find that your emotional state, (or how you felt) was at the root of whether or not you took action.

Doing that thing you’ve been putting off can be simple. 

The first step is to choose your specific and measurable goal. For example: To go for a 30 minute walk at 6:30 a.m. five days a week, or cleaning out your bedroom closet by next Sunday. Once you know what you want, you need to commit to yourself that you’ll do it, no matter how you feel.

Take away all the obstacles that could get in your way to going on that early morning walk by having your runners and a bottle of water by the front door and your workout clothes by your bed the night before. When your eyes open, take 3 deep breaths, swing your legs over the side of the bed – And get going!

When you read this now it seems so easy to do. The trick is committing to doing what you truly want. The power of your conviction will override how you feel in the moment. This is something that has worked for me over the years and I continue to initiate in areas of my life that I find challenging to get motivated.


Tell me: How does this play out in your life?


I’d love to hear how you handle procrastination when it comes up for you. Do you keep busy with other things instead? Do you start to believe that you’re not worthy of receiving the lifestyle you truly want?


Please share with me in the comments below. Your experience may be just what someone else needs to hear for them to know that they’re not alone. It’s so much easier to move forward towards your goals when you know others are crossing hurdles as well.


If you find emotions getting in the way of your intentions, give this simple formula a go and let me know what new things you start doing in your life!




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