Relieve Stress Get Organized


Is clutter driving you crazy?

I’ve been hearing lately that decluttering was one of the top stress management activities people turned to in early 2020. With so much out of their control, people took to their closets, storage rooms, and junk drawers with great purpose.

Makes sense…

When you feel out of control, you look for something you can physically do to feel in control. There’s also something to the notion of feeling more peaceful in a tidy space. It’s why hotel lobbies and model homes are so inviting. There’s no clutter. Just colour and style.

Then there’s the mental clutter.

I personally have not gotten to my physical clutter yet. I tackled my notes and overcrowded email first. Streamlining and clearing it out felt amazing for my soul. It also got me laser focused on some new things I’m bringing into the world. (Stay tuned!)

Not surprisingly, decluttering your physical and emotional space has healthy benefits. 

Your Environment Affects Your Mindset.

You may think that planning takes all the spontaneity out of life, but the more organized you are, the more space you create to be spontaneous.
And who doesn’t want a little fun spontaneity in their life?

Everywhere you are be there.

Life gets way more enjoyable when times out with friends, last-minute outings with the kids, or date nights, when you’re organized. Your mind is open to receive new experiences, to be fully present while connecting with others, and to take it all in.

It takes practice and a little grace.

In my early 20’s, I was often late, stressed out, and on constant overload.  I sometimes felt under the gun at work and behind on deadlines.  When urgent situations came up, good or bad, I wasn’t able to function at my best.

It wasn’t just my work life – My relationships suffered too.

There were times where I double-booked plans with friends and needed to cancel or re-schedule. No fun.

It likely caused my friends to feel low on my priority list, which I was not at all the case. I was just very disorganized. When I was with them, I would often be distracted and not fully present. Doing this enough times made me realize that I needed to make a change.

Getting organized and learning to set priorities caused a miraculous shift in my life.

When I got serious about making positive changes, good things started to happen.  I found I stopped rushing around, I slept better, and I had a little more free time.

I even started to say no to things.  You see, I had always been told that “busy people get things done” and I was always one of those busy people, so I said yes to pretty much everyone when they needed something.  It wasn’t sustainable.

It helped me with my finances.

Following a budget makes good financial sense.  Actually doing it is a whole other thing. When I kept close track of money coming in and money going out each month, as well as any larger upcoming expenses, I wasn’t blindsided as badly by a major car repair or when my company moved cities.

We all experience times when things get totally out of hand in our lives due to fault of our own.  This is where grace comes in. If you’re on top of things in your life, busy times are less stressful.

It promotes a more peaceful life.

I invite you to set aside some time to prioritize your life. Make of list of the areas where you want to feel less stress and more peace.  Look at your work/life schedule, the state of your home, office, and car.

Also consider some of the activities you’re passionate about, but are always sitting on the back burner of your life. When you create a little order, you’ll make space to do more of the things you love. Get creative and, where possible, start delegating some of the things that eat up your time at work and at home.

Bonus Health Benefits.

I’m passionate about this because living under constant stress weakens the immune system and invites illness to enter. When you live in chaos, your body can respond in chaos. A peaceful environment is calming to the mind and body.

Decide today to make your priority list and have fun while doing it.  Put on some fun music, pour your favourite beverage, and get started. The reward you’ll find is in having a better read on your life and you’ll feel so much more relaxed.

Tell me:

In what areas in your life do you have difficulty staying organized?  What areas in your life are prioritized well? What’s easy for you may be a struggle for someone else. Comment below to pass on your genius!


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