Progress Over Perfection


You’ve likely heard this term before in relation to other areas of your life. When you hear the phrase, “progress over perfection”, do you immediately feel relief or constriction?

Nobody wants to think of themselves as a perfectionist. It feels so uptight. But here’s the truth: Women have often had perfectionism modelled for them, albeit unknowingly, from the time they were babes.

“Don’t cry”, “You’re ok”, “Don’t get dirty”, “What will people think?”

Sound familiar?

Society modelled it for you in the stores you shopped at, on the TV shows you watched, and the expectations set out for you in school cliques. And while you may be thinking that these were norms only back in the 70’s and 80’s when I was coming up, it’s still happening today. Search popular hashtags like #styleinspo,  #makeuptips, or #liketoknowit and you’ll see that it’s still a thing, just packaged differently.

The beauty of the time we’re living in is that we’re having this conversation and increasingly more women pushing back on old stereotypes. I’ll speak more about this juicy topic another time and also invite some women I admire to join in on the conversation in future blogs and podcasts.

For today though… we’re going to cover how to get past the perfectionistic tendencies that are so deeply ingrained and start practices that move you toward the life and health you truly want and deserve.

Watch now:

Tell Me: 

How can you start treating yourself like your best friend? What things can you start telling yourself to support your personal growth and a healthy mindset?

Please share in the comments. Perfectionism is real – many women struggle with it. Your comments can be a huge encouragement to them.

For ideas on how to better encourage yourself into new habits, stay tuned to this blog. I have some helpful resources that will help you develop the habit of speaking words of life to yourself and others.


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