How To Make Decisions From Your Intuition


When I was a new Mom, I often spent my son’s naptime reading the stack of parenting and healthy baby books that I’d accumulated through my pregnancy.

I was tired, and as I look back, I see that I likely had post-partum anxiety. While my baby was super healthy, I couldn’t quiet my mind.

I had support at home. My finances were on point. I didn’t need to rush to work. I had amazing midwives checking in on my physical and mental health. (I still refer to these incredible women as Earth Angels.✨)

But still – I was anxious to make sure I could get ahead of some future “something” that could be amiss.

And then one day while I was nursing my son, I felt a sense of calm come over me.

As he looked up at me with his sweet little face, I just knew.

I felt deep within that I could trust my instincts. We were ok and we could face whatever may come.

I’m so grateful for that time in my life, not only because mothering revealed a whole new part of myself that I didn’t know I was missing, but I learned to trust myself.

You and I both have access to our inner wisdom whenever we need it.

Amidst all the messages swirling around the online and offline world, you can get quiet anytime you need to and find the answers you seek.

Think back to a time when you had a big decision to make. Maybe your mind was going back and forth over all the possibilities amidst your work day. Perhaps you tossed and turned at night, unable to sleep because of it.

And then you reached out to a trusted friend or colleague for feedback or encouragement. What happened when you shared what your mind had been consumed with?

If they gave you advice, how did it land?

If they were skilled at being a sounding board and asked you what option you were leaning towards or what you thought you should do, what happened inside of you?

From my personal experience and from my time coaching and mentoring others, I’ve found that this is the point in time where clarity begins to take shape. The “right” answer becomes evident. The act of voicing the question to someone else tends to unlock the next right step.

Even if the full answer doesn’t become evident at first, the first few steps on the path begin to show themselves. This is the power of connection. It can be very grounding and expansive all at once.

As you approach your future decision making, I invite you slow down enough to tap into your intuition. Uncover the outcome you’re truly after, away from all the noise in your midst. This can provide you so much more ease in your life as you let go of the perfection-seeking many of us get caught up in.

I’ve found that we tend to overanalyze because we’re trying to find the perfect scenario, even though perfection doesn’t exist.

Let this give you permission to step forward in a direction you’re not 100% sure of and to see what happens. Because no matter the outcome, taking action is where you grow the most and you’ll learn something in the process.

Tell Me:

When have you trusted your intuition and felt grateful for the results? Tell me in the comments!

May this practice infuse your life with joy as you shine into the life you’re meant to live.

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