Develop A New Habit With Ease


Are your habits serving you?

If you’re like most of us, you’re living on autopilot. You already have a collection of habits on rotation. Some are newer and others have been on an automatic loop for years.

When you actually stop and consider if you want to change a habit or create a new one, how do you feel? Does the idea of ‘one more new habit’ make your head spin?

I feel ya! But what if I told you there was a way to feel lighter and more easeful when creating a new habit?

Your life and happiness are important. Creating habits that serve you may take some mindfulness up front, but the benefits are SO worth it to you.

In this video, I share a simple technique I’ve used for years to create new habits that come from your soul.

Watch Now:

Tell Me:

What’s the first habit that comes to mind for you after watching? It’s likely the one that your soul’s been urging you to put some loving attention on for a while.

What steps will you take today to cultivate this new habit? Please share in the comments. When you say it out loud, you’ll find a shift happen within you that begins to believe change is possible.

Life’s moving fast and change is happening all the time. You can feel empowered when you’re the one making the change happen. I can’t wait to hear what good things come into your life when you put this into practice!

For ideas on how to better encourage yourself into new habits, stay tuned to this blog. I have some helpful resources that will help you nourish your best health for whatever season you’re in.


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