6 Ways To Eat More Plant Protein


Plant-based eating has been steadily on the rise in recent years.

Alternatives to meat and dairy products take up space on grocery shelves in the form of protein powders, snack bars, drinks, crackers – you name it. When you look more deeply into the structure of plant foods, you’ll find that there is more to them than meets the eye. At a molecular level, a variety of plants contain everything from amino acids, essential fats, and energy that our bodies need to thrive.

Conscious Eating

As you consider the impacts of factory farming and big food on our ecosystem, the conversation becomes much larger than how what we eat affects our health. It also affects the health of our beautiful planet. With this in mind, I invite you to consider adopting a 90/10 approach to eating plant based and looking into the incredibly hopeful impacts of regenerative farming. When you move towards eating a plant based diet 90% of the time and meats and/or dairy 10% of the time, you’ll be amazed at how your energy soars, your digestion improves and your connection to and gratitude for your environment is heightened.

But how will I get enough protein and calcium?

One of the most common concerns about making the leap into the plant world is how to get enough protein and calcium. If you’re considering ways to eat more plant protein, beans and legumes are an excellent option to try.

If your only exposure to beans has been in chilli or canned baked beans, you’re in for a treat. There are a huge variety to choose from and beans are one of the most powerful, nutrient-dense plant foods around. 

Beans are packed with tons of fiber, as well as plenty of calcium, iron and protein. They are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients and they are low in calories. Plus, studies have found them to lower the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

It’s ok if you’re bean-illiterate like I once was, lol! Many people avoid beans because they just don’t know what to do with them. If you can relate, check out some tasty ideas to incorporate more beans into your meals.

More Beans 6 Ways

1  Toss beans and diced veggies (such as celery, shallots, red peppers) with vinaigrette for a quick bean salad.

2  Blend cooked beans with tomatoes, onions, and your favorite seasonings to create a yummy bean soup.

3  Top a green salad with 1/3 cup of your favorite bean.

4  Puree beans with a bit of olive oil, a garlic clove, salt, and your favorite seasonings. Voila! A fast dip or sandwich spread.

5  Include 1/3 cup of beans with your other favorite toppings next time you make stuffed baked potatoes or sweet potatoes.

6  Add 1/4 cup pureed beans to your favourite pancake, waffle, muffin, or cake recipe.  Baked goods with beans added make for moist and delicious treats!

How To Prepare Beans

  • Be sure to wash and clean the beans first.

  • Soak dried beans for 8-12 hours before cooking (hint: cut a bean in half; if the center is still opaque, keep soaking).

  • After soaking, rinse, fill pot with fresh water, bring to a boil, then skim off the foam.

  • To aid digestion, add kombu, bay leaf, cumin, anise, or fennel to the water.

  • Cover and simmer for the suggested time.

*Only add salt at the end of cooking (about 10 minutes before the beans are done) or it will interfere with the cooking process.

Time-saving tip:

Boil dried beans for 5 minutes, then soak for 2-4 hours. Or use canned beans instead (some people find them even easier to digest!). Be sure to avoid canned beans with added salt or preservatives and rinse thoroughly once removed from the can.

Boost Your Health

Would you like help learning how to choose and cook healthy foods like beans? Curious about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today——or pass this offer on to someone you care about.

About Me:

I began my wellness advocate journey in 1995, and later trained with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Together, you and I will create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals.

Tell me about you:  

Do you find yourself moving towards eating more plant-based foods? If so, which of the ideas above will you try first? Tell me in the comments!

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