5 Questions To Improve Your Wellbeing


As an Integrative Health Coach, the primary way I guide you into YOUR best version of health is to invite you inward to assess how you’re really doing. To help you get clear on what it is that you truly want to experience in your life and how you want to feel. 

The root of truly improving your wellbeing begins with going inward to assess how you’re really doing and what it is that you truly want to experience in your life and how you want to feel. This involves asking good questions of yourself.

I guide people through a process in my 1:1 coaching where we discover some valuable insights together to start to see progress in your wellness that transfer beautifully to other areas of your life.

Today I’m spilling the tea and letting you in on 5 questions that are a good place to start for your self-reflection. May they be a helpful guide for you.

Listen to the Podcast Version of this post here.

The 5 Q’s

1. What are you craving?

Whether it’s food, your connection, mental challenge, luxury, intimacy, or fun, the thing you crave is trying to get your attention. You can choose to ignore it or sit with it to deepen your inquiry. If you’re craving more fun in your life, is there a way for you to inject some playful practices into your day, in between meetings or tasks?

If you’re craving connection, who can you make it a priority to call to initiate this. You can wait for it to happen or you can take a step towards satisfying this craving and feel so much better.

2. How do you feel about your relationships?

Your friendships, your partnership or marriage, your connection to your kids, coworkers, parents or siblings. Do they feel one-dimensional? Are they life-giving? Do you feel like you always initiate or that they’re too surfacey? Once you look at it, you can adjust who you’re spending most of your time with and make shifts, if necessary.

3. What is your favorite form of exercise?

I ask it in this way because this has proven to be a sticking point for so many people and it can be the first thing to slide of the todo list. My Q&A this week goes into more detail on this. So what is it for you? Dancing, walking, swimming, martial arts, rowing, yoga….exercise takes on so many forms. When think of your favorite form of exercise, it switches your brain into possibility and you’ll invest the time into prioritizing it in your life.

4. How are you feeling about your career or business?

Do you feel fulfilled? Work is a necessity. And you get to shift things if you choose. If you’re lacking fulfillment at work, you can make adjustments to how you show up in your working hours, you can look into changing positions, or you can try something completely new. If you operate a business, check ins like this are very important so you can assess and make adjustments where necessary. Wherever you are, you do have a choice to find ways of making your work experience more enjoyable. It all starts with the question and what you’re willing to improve on.

5. How are you supporting yourself spiritually?

Do you have a spiritual practice? I like ending with this question because your spiritual beliefs are the underpinnings of everything else in your life. If you have a connection to your creator, for instance, you can lean on that as extra support. It’s my belief that the force that formed you is also here to look to for guidance, inspiration and comfort, regardless of what you’re experiencing. That can bring great comfort when you’re transitioning or deciding what to focus on next.

As you can see, each of these questions has many layers and a lot of time can be invested into exploring each one. Each question is also connected because every area of our life touches the others because we’re emotional beings. 

Even if you have amazing boundaries in the different areas of your life, your experience in one area of your life rubs off on the others. It impacts your energy, your connection, and your belief in what’s possible.

I invite you to tune into these questions on your own to uncover if there’s an area of your life that could use some tlc. When you do, everything else in your life can potentially improve.


Tell Me:

Which question speaks the most to you? Do you find that these areas of your life are mostly in balance, or are there 1 or 2 that need more tlc? Share in the comments to continue the conversation and to gain insights from others’ responses.

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